Compliments & Complaints
At Blackwood Podiatry we encourage patients, families, carers and the community to give us honest opinions about our clinic.
We want to:
understand what is working well and celebrate team members who do outstanding things,
know if there is anything in our clinic that you consider “not up to standard”,
hear about experiences that were not 100% positive, and
identify ideas that will improve your foot care and the foot care of others.
Your feedback drives safety and quality improvement in our clinic.
Pay a Compliment
Our Director Nicole Morgan and the team would love to know when you have been impressed with the services at Blackwood Podiatry.
If you have received excellent service, please tell a staff member or complete the link below.
Make a Suggestion or Complaint
We’d like to know if you or your family have been unsatisfied at Blackwood Podiatry in any way.
If you have a suggestion or complaint about our service, please discuss it with a staff member.
If you are unhappy with the response or do not feel comfortable to raise it with a staff member, please contact Nicole Morgan (our Director) directly.
You can contact Nicole confidentially via:
Website via the link below
Telephone 08 8278 4100.
In your feedback:
Please set out clearly what happened,
When it happened,
What concerns you have, and
The outcome (or response) you are hoping for.
What to Expect
Your feedback will be treated confidentially and with respect.
Nicole will respond quickly and sensitively.
Nicole will work with you to find the best way to respond to you within 21 days of receiving your initial feedback.
Information provided in your feedback will be kept private and only discussed with relevant staff members with your consent.
Your feedback will not become part of your medical records.
Complaints regarding another person
We cannot give you any information about the treatment or care of another person without their consent.
Nicole will liaise with you about the consent process if you are not a legal guardian.
If you are unhappy with our response
On the rare occasion when we cannot resolve your issues or concerns, you may escalate your concern to one of the following independent organisations:
1. Please contact the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner if your concern is in regards to:
an explanation
an apology,
a refund or compensation,
access to your health record or to amend them, or
a change in policy or practice.
2. Please contact the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency if you believe that:
a practitioner’s behaviour is placing the public at risk,
a practitioner is practising their profession in an unsafe way, or
a practitioner’s ability to make safe judgements about their patients might be impaired because of their health.